David Don  



You might have realised I'm a copywriter. I have also been a teacher, editor and proofreader, and worked other jobs in retail and PR. I do some charity stuff too.

I thrive on problems. Analysing, testing, having projects to work on - these all give me the satisfaction I need in my work.

As a person, I'm dedicated and easy to work with. I just want to make cool stuff.


I live and work in the west of Scotland and I studied English at the University of Glasgow.

Other 'things' are books (Middlemarch), music (Rubber Soul) and movies (Get Out)

I lived in Saigon for three years as an English teacher. I worked with kids, adults and university students, communicating some tough ideas in English, even to those who didn't speak it natively. So, communication is kind of... y'know, a big part of my skillset.